You’re a superhero.

Yes, you!  

It is time for you to put on your cape and embrace it and remove false beliefs.

You are divine energy, and divine energy has no limits. Society conditions everyone to falsely believe that they have limits on what one can do and achieve.  This has been proven time and time again to be untrue, but the thought that it is only possible for some to achieve permeates our belief systems (also known as paradigms). Your paradigm is what sets your limits, nothing else.

Once you truly believe and embrace your divinity, NOTHING can stop you from scaling tall buildings, conquering adversaries, and saving your own world.

“What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

First, you must defeat the false beliefs that are limiting you.  

How to overcome limiting beliefs?

By claiming them, and then purposefully and diligently declaring your own belief system. Take the time to notice how you speak about what you are capable of.  Ask someone to be an active listener, possibly even by recording a conversation about your desires and the reasons why you are limited. What do you say? Think about those that have achieved what others thought impossible. Have them mirror your words back to you so that you can “hear” your paradigms.  

If you are here, you are here to live, to teach, to learn, to grow, and to embrace your full potential. You are not meant to be a damsel in distress, but to be your very own superhero!

Tell yourself, “no more!”  No more denying; no more just accepting other’s limits and beliefs. Instead, lift your head high, put your shoulders back, and declare from this moment forward your true self.  

Now start collecting and learning how to use all the tools available in your super power tool belt!