What is a mastermind?

One of the most magical keys of the Universe is the power of a Mastermind.

Napoleon Hill says it the best: “The Mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective.”  

This does not mean that each person has the same dream. It means that the mastermind’s objective is the success of each individual member’s dreams and life path.

What is a Mastermind?

When a group comes together, they form an additional energetic/spiritual mind that helps lead them to create, overcome, and see new pathways, and to accomplish beyond their goals and dreams by going where one mind never can on its own .  

Some of the greatest leaders and businessmen were active lifelong members of masterminds. If it could help Henry Ford – who was illiterate and a school dropout – become the pioneer that created Ford Motor Company, it can help you do anything you set your mind to.  

Being a member allows that energetic brain to give one mind in the group their next right step, their missing link. Another mind gives you the piece that is such an ah-hah moment for you that –  like Mr. Ford – there are suddenly no limits or boundaries to what you can achieve.

The magic that is created is truly creation itself at work. I belong to a Mastermind and know that no one person can do it all alone. It truly takes a tribe, a group of people harmonized with you and going through life with the same objectives as you.

You have lived your life for others – your spouse, children, parents, employer – and now it’s time to start living for you. If you are ready to live your dream life, to come together with others who no longer just want to exist, then join my Visioneering Mastermind or the VIP Vision Quest, and let us together create a life you cannot hardly even imagine now.