Do you find yourself going through the motions and the same routine day after day and not living free? Nothing exciting, just the same old thing? You go to work, take care of your kids and spouse’s schedules, cook, clean, and then fall exhausted into bed only to get up just as exhausted, ready to do the same all over again?

How much do you put everyone and everything above yourself, or put the good opinions of others above your own? How often do you do what you believe is expected of you from your family, friends, co-workers, community instead of what you truly desire?

Are you the lawyer that hates practicing law but do so it’s the family business?  Maybe what you really want to do is take people on deep sea fishing excursions.

You’re existing, NOT living!

I chose to be a stay-at-home mom and got a huge blow back from friends, strangers and everyone in between. I understand that declaring your path is not always easy, but it is essential to actually living life!

When you are truly living, you are excited for each new day. You enjoy going to work and taking care of the day-to-day, and you embrace the things you love. You make time to do the things in life that you really enjoy for your mind, body and soul.  Even when you have those days that go sideways, your zest for life and all it has to offer overrides everything else.

Living Free

How do you make the switch?  

You must tune into what you really enjoy, what sets your soul on fire. When you are tuned into and embrace who you really are, you naturally seek and find opportunities to have the life you truly desire.

Have you taken the time to tune into what you really enjoy, what feeds your soul?  If we were speaking one-on-one right now, could you tell me? Or have you buried your desires so deep for so long that you have no clue what they are?

Tune in now by asking yourself this question. If you had all the resources in this world at your disposal, all the time you could ever possibly need, and all the health and energy you could need – what would you choose to do?  What is the first thing that comes to mind? What is your “if only_______, I would do or be ___________”?

It is time for you to live life out loud, live for you, and live to your highest potential.

Let me know how you would fill in the blanks above. I would love to hear what your soul is craving and help you to create your utmost life!