Welcome to Autumn 2020, today is the equinox and your day to stand on balanced footing both physically and energetically.

To do that, you need to rake up all the things that are no longer serving you just like you rake fall leaves. Do this by making a list of all that you are just done with. Mentally, physically, spiritually, and energetically. I know 2020 has shown you what these are, but you get busy with day-to-day living and keep putting up with, well crap quite frankly. We all do it.

So, take a few minutes to honor yourself and do it!

When your done, make a list of what you want to bring in place of what you want gone.

Then do a burning bowl ceremony and release all to the Universe.

If you don’t know how to do a burning bowl ceremony let me help. Take your lists and cut in-between each item making strips. Have one pile for those you wish to discard and one for those things you want to bring in. Get a bowl or vessel that you can burn in (I use a copper bowl), a lighter or matches, and step outside. Bring in divine energy through your crown and make your declaration that you are releasing to the Universe that which no longer serves you for the Divine to reuse and repurpose the energy for the greater good. Then read each item you are releasing my stating “I release _______ for my highest good” and then burn the strip of paper. Once you are finished with that pile scatter the ashes to the winds.

Now go to the stack of what you wish to bring into your life. Bring the Divine energy in through your crown and declare to the Divine, the Universe, your angels and guides to bring forth whatever you may need so that you manifest the following – then read each strip of paper and burn it. Again, when finished; scatter the ashes to the winds.

Celebrate! Woo-hoo! You have energetically and physically burned away the crap and declared your intentions for the future. Equally on the equinox.

The key now is to pay attention to what and where spirit directs you. You’re going to have an amazing autumn.


Don’t forget, I’m speaking live tonight via Zoom so come Join Me!


I will be talking about my near-death experiences and how you don’t have to go through what I did to live.

I look forward to seeing you there 😉




Kelli Lee

PS: If you know of someone who needs to hear this message or would be interested in my event, please share!