Here is this month’s oracle card drawing. I hope these messages hit home for you, and would love to hear how they did.

Keys To Enlightenment


You can never be a victim for you are the creator of your reality whether you created something to happen for the lesson which the dark night of the soul teaches or anything else. You are divine and a divine creation is never the victim of anything.

Today take notice if you blame others or society for experiences and the circumstances of your life.

Declare that you are no one’s or nothing’s victim!


Visioneering Your Life


Do you set things in motion not knowing how to change them once you do?

The same force that you used to create can be used to steer. So, take a turn or completely change directions, but never loose your velocity.


Isn’t it amazing how these two cards work together!

Both decks are available on my shop page 😉

Kelli Lee

PS: Make sure to join me on my Facebook lives!