Here are the oracle cards I pulled for the upcoming month. I have pulled one from each of my decks and can’t wait hear from you how these speak to you.

Keys To Enlightenment
Set Your Soul on Fire
Tap in and turn on your passions igniting the flame that sends energetic fire throughout your auric field.
Today take notice of your flame.
Is it weak or have you achieved full ignition?


Visioneering Your Life
Unconscious Operating System
Do you recognize that your unconscious operating system determines what your life is?
The paradigms you operate from affect your vibration.
Bring your operating system into your conscious awareness and delete any program that no longer serves you.

Is it not amazing how the cards work so much together even though they are from two different decks?
Here is to a month of letting go of the old, bringing in the new and setting your soul on fire!
Life is too short to just exist and not fully live. Plus, those old paradigms were more than likely not put there by you; but by those around you as a small child. You’re now taking the drivers seat and setting your destination. No more handing over control to someone else. Have a fabulous month, stay healthy, and always

Expect Miracles,
Kell Lee

PS: If you know of someone who needs this, please share