Here is November’s oracle card drawing. I hope these messages hit home for you, and would love to hear how they did.

From my Visioneering Your Life deck:


Do you doubt yourself or your worthiness of achieving your dreams?

Put your head up and your shoulders back knowing that you are worthy of having everything you desire.

From my Keys to Enlightment deck:

Free Will

Free will are the choices you make along your path in life that lead you from one fate point to another.

Today take notice of the forks in the road of your life. And the choices you have made. Do you listen and take the path you are being guided towards, or do take what you perceive to be the “easy” way?

Isn’t it amazing how these two cards work together!

Confidence plays an enormous role in going on the path that spirit is directing you towards verses the path that is well worn.

Just because the path may not “look” like you believe it should does not mean that it is not yours to travel. Remember, spirit will never direct you where you are not meant to go. It is when we try to override

Both decks are available on my shop page 😉

Don’t forget, your gift for my birthday of 51% off that is good through October 31st!


Make sure you put in the Coupon Code: BIRTHDAY

Kelli Lee

PS: Share this with anyone who you think this message is one they need to hear, and make sure to join me on my Facebook lives!