Can you believe we are already into March?

Living tuned in, acknowledging the messages we are being sent, plus using the spiritual tools available to us makes life is so much more easy, joyful, and rewarding. Especially if your 2021 has been as wild as mine has so far!

Don’t you agree?

Here is March’s oracle card drawing. I hope these messages help guide you through this upcoming month, and would love to hear how they did.

From my Visioneering Your Life deck:


Do you believe and feel 100% that you can achieve your dreams?

The Universe is providing you with intuitions, signs and messages while creating a path for your dreams.

From my Keys to Enlightment deck:


Dreaming is opening yourself to messages whether in an awake or asleep state. The messages you receive and what you imagine are opening the doors of possibility.

Today take notice of the messages you receive in your dreams, what you find yourself imagining and journal them.
Look up their meanings and take action.

It’s amazing, I don’t know how two cards work better together here in this month of the Spring Equinox!

Believing that you can achieve is THE KEY.

Without belief in one’s self and capabilities, we are just existing. Not living our purpose, not feeling worthy of our individualism and therefore; not living a life of true joy and fulfillment.

You know the saying, “you can achieve anything you set your mind to”. You can, but never without belief.

Belief is the foundation of manifesting.

Belief looks at your dreams and says:

“I may not currently know how, when I will need step forward regardless of arising fears, or who I will become along my path; but I know I can, will and am worthy of anything I want.”

Dreams and dreaming are the language of our higher selves, and our co-creators.

Without dreams as humans, we would have no imagination to create, evolve, and discover.

Our ability to image the impossible and make it possible, the unrealistic making it real, and therefore; our wildest dreams becoming tomorrow’s reality is what we are here for. Forever pushing the edge of all creativity.

If you are given a dream, you are meant to go for it. When the same ideas keep showing up in your imagination – that is for you!

You will not be given a dream that is for someone else. Your ideas, inspirations, and desires are there for you. They are your life path showing itself.

Think back when John F. Kennedy declared we were going to put a man on the moon within ten years. He didn’t know how, the technology didn’t exist, and he may have wondered if others would think he was crazy. But by his Moon-Shot declaration, he set forth and did his part in wherever it led him.


Now it’s clearly your time to do likewise and declare you own Moon-Shot!

Both decks are available on my shop page 😉

Expect Miracles,
Kelli Lee

PS: Share this with anyone who you think this message is one they need to hear, and make sure to join me on my Facebook lives!