Checking in to see how you are doing and if you are taking advantage of this year or just wishing it to be over.

This year has given us time to reassess, review, and reinvent.

I don’t know about you, but I have definitely been paying attention to the signs spirit has been giving and acting upon them.

For you to move into your “new normal” you have to purge what is no longer serving your highest good while bringing forth the new. New opportunities, adventures, friends, along with obtaining a greater spiritual connection.

You are the creator of your new normal, so do some soul searching, ask your guides and angels for signs, and get positive of what the future holds.

No more letting others tell you what should be, stand up and claim your vision.

Let your light shine!

Don’t forget, I will be speaking via Zoom on October 6th & 7th plus offering a special discount on 1-on-1 sessions. Sign up today!


COVID: Are you Listening to Messages Spirit is Whispering?

The 4 Kets to Raising Your Vibration

1-on-1 Individual Sessions

Enter when scheduling the special East West coupon code – EASTWEST for an amazing offer


Kelli Lee

PS: Make sure to join me on my Facebook lives!