When you close your eyes and imagine what your dream life looks like, feels like, and tastes like, do you ever claim it? Or does it just stay a wish, a hope, a prayer and/or a daydream?

It’s time to make your wish your reality. How? By stating the dream and giving it a due date! Use a goal setting worksheet.

Six months, a year or up to five years: it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you claim it and write it down. Mark it on your calendar, put it on sticky notes, or set a notice on your phone.  

You may say, “But I have no clue how I would ever accomplish it!” or “That is so far out of my reality today that it scares the crap out of me just thinking of claiming it!” Great! That means that you have to grow into the person who has learned how to make it a reality.

Goal Setting Worksheet

Now that it is no longer a wish, but a dream with a due date – your goal – let’s get going on making it a reality. The first step is to acknowledge how many total months you’ve allowed yourself from today’s date to your due date.

Next, I want you to get a sheet of paper for each month. At the top of each sheet, name your goal. For each month, write a major step that has to be done to move you down to road towards your dream. So, if you have twelve months, you are going to have twelve major steps towards achieving your goal.

The third step is to divide each month into 4 equal sections and break down each step into the 4 main parts of the whole being created. Then, follow suit by taking each week and subdividing it by five.  

This gives you one small tangible step to take during the week and a break/catch up time on the weekends. By doing it this way, you will gain confidence in yourself and in your belief that you really can achieve anything you put your mind to.  

Say “goodbye” to feelings of being overwhelmed, anxiety, or fear of not being good enough to live your dream life. Instead, start taking one step at time and really celebrating each milestone you make along your path. Woohoo!