What you get

  • A private Facebook group where I will be there to answer your questions, provide real solutions, and guide you while authentically supporting you and your vision your holding in your heart.
  • A community of others declaring and claiming their big goal with the support from like-minded and goal-orientated spirited souls like yourself.
  • Weekly accountability check-ins to keep you on track and motivated
  • Facebook Lives to teach you even more and take your success to the next level
  • Prescheduled Zoom calls every week where I can coach you through any questions so you keep your manifesting mojo

All Facebook Lives and Zoom calls will be recorded and in on our Facebook page for you to watch at any time. Zoom video calls will be at 7 pm CST on Thursdays.

With a special kick-off Zoom on the evening of January 18th!

There will be limited enrollment available to that you get the personalized attention you deserve.